
Boating Safety: The Essentials

This write up is extracted and condensed in part from the Boater Exam publication. It is limited to Water Rescue
Equipment for Personal Water Craft (P.W.C.) and boats not over 6 meters Powered and boats 6 meters to not
over 12 meters. This and the recommendation from our Commodore (see Commodore`s Report) is intended to help
get you off to a safe start to the boating season. Remember to have your boat registration, pleasure craft
operators licence and insurance in a safe accessible location.

Water Rescue Equipment: Minimum Required


Personal Protective Equipment

One Government of Canada (Department of Transport) approved personal flotation device (PDF) or life jacket for each person on board.

One buoyant heaving line of not less than 15 meters in length

Boat Safety Equipment:

Paddle or Oars or anchor with not less than 15m of cable, rope or chain. Not required if all on board are wearing a Canadian approved Flotation device of appropriate size.

One bailer. Not required if all on board are wearing a Canadian approved Flotation device of appropriate size.

One Class 5BC fire extinguisher. Not required if all on board are wearing a Canadian approved Flotation device of appropriate size.

Distress Equipment

A watertight flashlight or 3 Canadian approved flares of type A, B or C.

Navigation Equipment:

A sound signaling device or sound signaling appliance audible at distances of one half a marine mile (0.93 km).

It is strongly advised not to operate this type of craft at night.


Personal Protective Equipment:

The same as applied to P.W.C. (above)

Boat Safety Equipment:

Paddle or Oars or anchor with not less than 15m of cable, rope or chain.

One Class 5BC fire extinguisher (if the craft is equipped with an inboard engine, a fixed fuel tank of any size or a fuel burning cooking, heating, or refrigerating appliance)

One bailer or manual water pump fitted with sufficient hose to enable one person using the pump to pump water from the bilge of the vessel over the side of the vessel.

Distress Equipment:

A watertight flashlight or 3 Canadian approved flares of type A, B or C.

Navigation Equipment:

A sound signaling device or sound signaling appliance audible at distances of one half a marine mile (0.93 km).

Navigation Lights that meet the applicable standards set out in the Collision Regulations if the pleasure craft is operated after sunset and before sunrise or in periods of restricted visibility.