
Interested in joining WKYC?

You may have heard that we have a unique and charming clubhouse (the historic MV Pendozi ferry) and a fully equipped yacht basin with all amenities. You may also have heard that we’re known as the most active and friendly club on Lake Okanagan. Well, it’s all true. And the secret of our success is quite simple: Our members. They know that a great yacht club doesn’t happen without the direct involvement and participation of the membership.

Over the course of a year we enjoy banquets, barbeques, Thursday night dinners, “Invasions”, bar functions, and many other special events. Yet, the Club has only four employees. How do we do it? Our members make it happen – by volunteering their time and talents.

Of course, the Club’s Commodore and Board of Directors realize that each member’s circumstances, interests and availability are different, and that each member has a different contribution to make. For some, it’s helping at work parties, on committees or on the Board. For others, it’s joining the “Anchor Club”. And for some, it’s simply participating in the various social functions.

There are, however, three events of special significance:
  1. The Commodore’s Ball – held each year to show the Club’s appreciation to our Commodore for the large contribution he or she has made.
  2. The Sail Past – in which the Club turns out to salute the flag as a gesture of respect to the Club and its Commodore.
  3. The Annual General Meeting – at which budgets and expenditures are approved by the Membership and the new board is elected.

The West Kelowna Yacht Club offers great value to our members. Join now and start having fun!

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Moorage is subject to availability.