Proxy vote form If you are unable to attend in-person or via the Zoom meeting, please complete the form to appoint your proxy for the West Kelowna Yacht Club Annual General Meeting on November 6, 2024. If you would like a copy of this form sent to you by email for printing and completing by hand, please click the email address link or email the Club at and put 'Proxy Form Request' in your subject line. If you have any questions, please call the office at 250-768-5472 during office hours. Instructions: Fill out the form with your information. Only one vote per member number and under Club Bylaws, only full and corporate members are entitled to vote. Choose your proxy. Enter the person's full name or enter MEETING CHAIRPERSON. Provide your contact information. Click "SUBMIT" to send your proxy appointment via email. 1. Membership Type: FullCorporate 2. Proxy Appointment: I, the undersigned member, hereby appoint to be my proxy and to attend and vote on my behalf at the upcoming Annual General Meeting of the West Kelowna Yacht Club on November 6, 2024. 3. Contact Information: Full Name: Member Number: Contact Phone: E-mail: By submitting this form, you authorize the proxy to represent you at the Annual General Meeting of the West Kelowna Yacht Club and any adjournment thereof.