Comedy Night Tickets NOTE: If you wish to use a credit card for payment, please call the office during business hours at 250-768-5472. Please do not leave a voicemail for a call back. $11.99 advanced purchase Snacks during the game. Half Time dinner of Chili, toppings, buns and a treat Vegetarian option available Gluten free option available Please enter the name of each member requesting a reservation: What is your member number(s)? How many in your party? Your email address: I/we would like a vegetarian meal(s) Yes If requesting a veggie option, how many do you need? I/we would like a gluten free meal(s) Yes If requesting a gluten free option, how many do you need? How would you like to pay? Please charge my house account using my member number providedI will call the office to charge it to my credit card