Board of Directors application Please provide as much detail as possible to help the Board with its decision. Your full name (required): Your home address (required): Your email address (required): Your phone number (required): Although past experience is not necessary, please list boards and committees that you may have served on: (business, civic, community, fraternal, political, professional, recreational or social). Your current profession or past profession if retired: How do you feel WKYC would benefit from your involvement on the Board? In which board position you would like to serve? (select all that apply but please read the Directors Duties and Responsibilities before selecting) Commodore (Flag Officer)Vice Commodore (Flag Officer)Rear Commodore (Flag Officer)Staff Captain (Flag Officer)TreasurerHarbour MasterDirector of Moorage InfrastructureIndoor Maintenance DirectorFood & Beverage DirectorDirector of Promotions and Social Media What qualifications do you bring to this position? Please list any groups, organizations or businesses that you could serve as a liaison on behalf of WKYC: Please provide 3 personal or professional references that we may contact: